My works lean upon three pillars: Perception, Participation, and Self-expression. Creative process is the act of perception of the history of Art and Crafts.
My goal is to express my own view
on this world through pictorial means.

boris Mikhailovich
Born in 1949 in a small coal mining settlement near Lipetsk in a family of the former serviceman, who managed to find shelter with his more fortunate brother in the troublous Stalinist era.
The settlement was composed predominantly of exiled, highly literate and well educated ´contingent´ who built their own unique world and maintained the spiritual aura amidst the poverty and gloom of the post-war reality.
In such a controversial environment the personality of Boris Inkeles was formed. His individuality is inherent both the moments of screaming with delight, enjoyment of the sweets of life and the horrible heartaches caused by the barrack-like world order combined with a state anti-Semitism.

Probably, this was the reason why the notes of constant alarm, tension, mystery, restraint, and caution compose the keynote of the works of Boris Inkeles. All of these notes threaded amid the enthusiasm for life, arts, and people.
series MUSE
Graduating from the Saratov art school, Boris Inkeles abandoned any attempts to go into further education. Hard and persistent creative work let Boris fight his way through the paragovernmental art movement and join the USSR Union of Artists in 1988.
Paintings and graphics of Boris Inkeles are exhibited in the Lipetsk State Museum of Regional Studies, the Lipetsk State Art Gallery, the Artistic Museum of V.S. Sorokin (the Master's House), in the Artists' Union of Russia, the Culture and Art Administration of the Lipetsk Region, as well as in private Russian and foreign art collections.
series BEACH
(inkeles boris)
«The feeling of participation impulse

in The Great Art gives me a strong

in my creative work process»
The works of Boris Inkeles are characterized by the delicately harmonious coloring and balanced composition, expressing the calm and meditative beauty with its intense attention to the form, color and texture. The most part of his paintings are imbued with a spirit of the Avant-garde and search.
His views on the fine arts are diverse and ambiguous. All works are painted in the relaxed and furious manner gracefully blending with a classic restraint. His style is amazing by its conciseness, disturbance, mystery and attention-getting power at the same time.

(BRODSKAYA G. art critic)
The project of Boris Inkeles called ‘The Beach’, which includes a great number of paintings and graphic works, by being the most impressive in the creative life of the painter, justifiably deserves a close attention.
The space of ‘the Beach’ represents the strife of dynamics and statics, the space where the painter tries to solve the complex artistic and plastic tasks.

Compositional and dimensional perspectives, cut-leaved flats, monumental shapes, shifting and volume deformations, light and color motions, objects with discordant colorful masses, intensive consonance of colors and textures with emotional expressiveness, tragic elements, and apoplexies inflate the works of Boris Inkeles. His art expresses all human worries and loneliness
Classic integrity and universal chaos constitute the joyful harmony of the rare balance between conformity and innovation. The pure reality is what the painter creates according to his own laws and within his own frames.

series BEACH graphic
series BEACH graphic
series BEACH graphic
«The Beach» is the fantastic image of the world
(KROL T. art critic)
presented through the eyes of its creator.
«The Beach» is another planet.
Compositional and dimensional perspectives, cut-leaved flats, monumental shapes, shifting and volume deformations, light and color motions, objects with discordant colorful masses, intensive consonance of colors and textures with emotional expressiveness, tragic elements, and apoplexies inflate the works of Boris Inkeles. His art expresses all human worries and loneliness.
In the modern environment, the Beach is a unique place located on the border of the land and water where human beings break their social bonds.

If a painter systematically and for a long period of time works on one after another picture of a beach or about a beach, it means that this painter has a philosophic grain. The painter sets himself a task: to learn what is the original and inherent feature of a human being and what similarities we have with the Dame Nature.

Human figures in Boris Inkeles' works are so generalized that you can easily recognize the universal body constructions that are well known from the works of the Old Masters. There are no personalities, no social roles, rather "anthropologic formulas".
The painter does not care decisively about the details. As it is said in a book by Kurt Vonnegut, the grand and skeptical connoisseur of people, "We all live on the Planet Earth and are cooked in the same pot." In a way the concept of this "pot" is very close to Boris Inkeles. Boris, the eternal observer of people from the other side of culture and society, creates these pictures to detect signs of "primary biomass."

He is interested in the space on the edge of the three conventionally designated nature elements: the sky with the light flowing out, the water in the background, and the land where the slugs of people walk and run, pieces of biomass, and modeling raw substances in the hands of the Creator.
The painter reflects over the process of the World Creation. He tries to imagine what the Supreme Being would do, conceiving the creation of the theater of the human race amidst the triad of elements, the race he created on the sixth day of the World Creation.

He is also well aware of the ways how to press primeval energy into the leaden pose of pillar-like statues. He can instill his clay figures with flexibility and looseness and even come to some sort of dissoluteness of body masses which foresee either Hellenism or Barocco.

With a masked smile he quotes Botticelli, Nicolas Poussin, and Edgar Degas. His Divine angulous figures inspired by avant-garde artists refer us to the early works of Picasso and expressionist painters.
All cultural and social characteristics are secondary and problematic. Only the primary nature is essential. By erasing all the haphazard traits we can get eternal formulas.

Probably, Boris Inkeles also believes that skills and craft, artistic professionalism and spark of inspiration are God-given. We do not know whether the creative power comes from the sun, vivifying water, grass, sand, or warm bodies before they are transformed into the social, harnessed, and saddled being.Painters still believe in Great Fables. Seeing their pictures, you begin to believe in them, too.
The fact that his anthropological explorations are oriented on the search of the root in genealogical terms is also quite evident.

series BEACH
series BEACH
series BEACH
series BEACH
«Man as such.
Artist and thinker Boris Inkeles»‎

(YAKIMOVICH A. art critic)
(kurt vonnegut)
The fact that the Painter is initially and essentially anthropologic in his constructive methods is beyond exception.

(YAKIMOVICH A. art critic)

It is not a storyline. It is a SUBJECT.
This subject expresses everything that is important, current, and intimate for me.
The Beach allows me to set formal goals without violating the laws of unity of form and substance.

The Beach is another planet with its own rules and coordinates. It is a complex system of associations and reminiscences, which I do not fully understand or realize. That is why I am always searching for new ways for evocation of such phenomenon as the Beach.
Structure, texture, plastics, color, light, rhytmics, composition, conscious-subconscious game - these instruments serve me and help to perceive this complicated fast-paced world - the world in which I am looking for my place.
series BEACH
«‎Through my works I am trying to become

familiar with the most important

invention of humanity that is the Art»‎
(inkeles boris)
Roman Inkeles 2024



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